Every two years, the Physics Department Head, in consultation with the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, selects and appoints the George W. Gardiner Professor in Physics from candidates nominated by any physics faculty member. Preference shall be given to candidates who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, leadership, research and teaching. During this term, the Gardiner Professor receives the earnings of the Gardiner Professorship Endowment Fund (expected to be two payments of about USD 15,000 each) to provide compensation, staff support, or research support.
Vladimir M. Shalaev 1997-1999
Robert L. Armstrong 1999-2001
Matthias R. Burkardt 2001-2003
James F. Ni 2003-2005
Stephen F. Pate 2005-2007
Gary Kyle 2007-2009
Heinz Nakotte 2009-2011
James F. Ni 2011-2013
Boris Kiefer 2013-2015
Matthias R. Burkardt 2015-2017
Michael Engelhardt 2017-2019
Igor Vasiliev 2019-2021
Stephen F. Pate-Morales 2021-2022
Boris Kiefer 2023-2024
Michael Paolone 2025-2026